Indian Astronomy Club 102
This twenty two post in blog but it about something strange happened blogging community no one want read while enjoying videos or audio but not reading, statically author thinks that nowadays nobody cares about advance use of minimal words collapse of unnecessary sentences into single words. we all trying just filling space with more unnecessary words sometimes avoid but that's true, where we all learn from the answer of simple question is school. To get marks we have fill all line of answer sheet and teachers value our answers by counting lines, author heard that some students even write songs in answer sheets guess what they passed nowadays that person in USA amazing skills only money is matters. Science is not about unnecessary sentences moreover about humans thinking process infect we live Science every, Science works every moment and there is many ways to check it works or not for example to check albert Einstein theory just look at your GPS device if locates correct which mean Einstein theory works that it. Author try to explain things which is unnecessary because there is no common sense or knowledge which means have to define in properly. It good to tell readers story that never heard off it kind of hundred percent original story not about author life even about person or animals including birds and fish story about stars, real star readers can see star in night sky and relates author story. What happens when two star are closely packed with each other due to conservation of momentum its spin faster and faster till collapse that is basic idea about rotation of star which rotates very close to each other. Something is strange when two star is rotating each other without any conflict for billions of years. That's may call marriage of stars or scientific name is binary star system. Alpha century is binary star system they have one child known Proxima century may be our star will marrying Proxima century one day, because it moving towards our sun with great speed soon will reach sun still take billions years. That is original star family. Author is not sure about star life but stars lives very long ages billions of years, is star die what happens after star die?
James Webb telescope is revealed that stars can die with explodes where all materials are shattered over place nearby star this may be future of our own star, don't be sad in author want to heavily contrast word "may be" which include it can't happens. Author talk about Crab nebula is remains of die star but jems Webb telescope also revealed that there is star in center of nebula which was thinking as empty but it not which improve chances raise of new ideas and theories. Author strongly believes that big bang theory is not sufficient inform about universe, sometimes this theory can misleading. Author try to deny theory at first place than universe becomes sense.
Readers want to know what is misleading about big bang theory?
Author believes that there is something to create universe, how nothing can create universe which mean how empty space can created this vast universe at minimal time reference to nano seconds.
Some scientists think that time is starting in big bang theory that is second misleading thing how time is created what is time till no scientist clam that they understand time. Still we measure time by clock not knowing what it time actually. now author reach that limit of words for good blog or healthy blog readers must read this blog without any comments how and why is important it like one way conversations but author want two way conversations.
Don't shy to make comments about anything. Ask weird question author remember in YouTube comments section one users ask about free space like water in pool. That is totally wrong interpretation of space so author express his thoughts space like vacuumed cleaners human will boils before die that is true if readers want checks whatsoever author is correct is not, fact is space is colds nearly about three Kelvin temperatures our body temperature is more three hundred so body will start boils. Please make comments specifically Thanks for reading.
Ganpati bappa moriya !!!
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