Star name Betelgeuse ??
An author want to share and which gone be re-open debate on the most loved red giant star by astronomers community his named is the Betelgeuse, off course most visited star by telescopes around the world. it may sound different like other stars is pronounce likely beetle juice. He is single and isolated star not really associate with different star clusters and unclear birthplace till now.
Why its dimming his light ??
Indian astronomy are furnished with many research articles on star dimming light by miserably maintain particular database to provide some scientific reasoning about dimming of star are already available in public domain. Many scientists believe that star is die 680 years ago since light take time to reach earth surface which further capture by telescopes. Sol is our main sequence star but Betelgeuse is far bigger than red than sun estimate to assumption star is big enough to fit Venus orbit in solar system. it has nearly twenty times masses than our own star. It kind of grand parents of sun located at 680 light year away from sun in Orion Constellation. it only estimate that staller dust is ejected from star surface causes diming effect but no proper evidence to prove further.
What happens to Betelgeuse become black hole ?
Betelgeuse becomes black hole suddenly than it can create significant affect on sol rotation in milky way galaxy, But these are only hypothetical points of view, Still Betelgeuse is shining biggest star at sun neighborhood. Author want to this blog becomes viral due to share actual database to community, this will help to understand our main sequence star and evolution of solar system. Some scientists think that some kind of dust cloud are intractable with star which can cause dimming of light, still no trace of any interstellar dust which reasonably drop through of interstellar dust affect. Author want to astronomy community to lookups in sky we can capture Betelgeuse in sun light by helping of telescopes technology and make proper database to justify results.
This blog is not created conflict about star models it about only star they give all planets with material and light infect we all live inside sun. If person still in Betelgeuse star system are known earth by 3rd rocky planets of sun. Sun create solar system than Betelgeuse also creates its own system where exoplanets are revolves have cosmic dance like solar system did for evolution of time.
It will believe that star will explode at any time if it happens than star will appear as bright can visible at daylight. Author wondering event by imagination, power of nature which difficult to describe in words. Betelgeuse is pulsating star which mean no constant surface having dynamically active.
Hindu astrology believe Rigvedic God of storms Rudra presided over the star also known as mansion of lunar and Sanskrit name for Betelgeuse is ārdrā "the moist one".
the red giant is a beautiful beast which have own story to tell, could create special identity in galaxy system, Betelgeuse is purely wounder of universe which shines in our milky way galaxy.